Thursday, 10 April 2008

Sloth.. It's such a lovely sin..

Pain... It should really be outlawed, along with schools giving people sertificates that say; "Hi! I'm a professional pain-giver!" And yes, you're right. My physio session today was a success. If you count limping and having trouble sitting properly a success. But I'll stop moaning about this. I guess it'll get better after a while. So the rest of this blog post will be dedicated to my favourite deadly sin: Sloth.

Sloth... Just taste the word... Slooooooooth. Sloth! Not only is it a very pleasant and relaxing sin, it's also an amazing word! But anyway.. I've been practising sloth today.. How, you say. Easy! Just sit back and follow these five simple steps:

1. Sleep until well past noon..

2. Take a cab where you have to go instead of driving yourself, walking or taking the bus.

3. Take a cab home.

4. Look around your appartment and think about all the things you should be doing.

5. Don't do them. Lie back in your couch and relax. Take a nap even.

And, ta-daa! You've successfully practised sloth! Don't you feel sooo much better now?


Ivellios said...

Sloth and Gluttony combined is even better!

Sinning FTW :D

Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah... A little bit of gluttony makes you sloth-sleep even better!