Friday, 17 October 2008

Order your stay at the asylum here

Let's all go to Berlin and find the hotel room of our dreams, or should that be the room from our nightmares maybe?

At Propeller Island City Lodge ( ) you can find rooms of all kind.
Dream about sleeping in a lion's cage maybe? Well check out room 42 then!
Want to see yourself from any angle? Then The Mirror Room might tickle your fancy.
If the thought of being locked in a coffin sends tiny shivers down your spine, then guess what? Propeller Island can help you with that aswell! Room number 31, Gruft.
And my personal favourite, room number 28; The Padded Cell, where everything is green and padded. What a wonderful place to spend the night! If you didn't belong in an asylum before you go there, you just might fit right in after your visit.

I love this concept, twisted as it might be, and if I ever go to Berlin I'll make sure that I get at least one night in this Island of madness.

Original source (in norwegian) :

1 comment:

Therona said...

I want to go there! :D