Sunday, 18 January 2009

Nerves, they know no logic

On tuesday I'll be getting my new tattoo (yeah, I'll post piccies!) and for some odd reason I'm nervous. Even get that scared feeling in the pit of my tummy when I think about it. But seriously! It's idiotic! Why be scared of something I've done five times before...? Oh well, I guess that's just how the brain works.

Speaking of tattoos, just before Christmas my dad asked me to do something I'm not sure if I'm able to do. He asked me to draw him something that really represents me that he could tattoo on his arm. Any idea how hard it is to do that?? It has to be something that'll represent me not only now, but in the future aswell... So far I've decided that the piece if going to contain a spiral of some sort since I've got two different kinds of spirals tattooed on my body allready and they will continue to be a part of me. But that choice was easy... The rest isn't.. So anyone who knows me, feel free to make suggestions.

I'll be back tuesday night with a full update on the tattooing!

Peace and love and all that

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