Monday, 7 June 2010

The crops are in the ground

I just came in from re-potting my tomato plants and I feel pretty good about myself now. All
my vegetables this year is in the ground or neatly potted.

I've got:
  • 18 potted tomato plants
  • 6 pots with sprouting cucumbers
  • 1 pot with a lonely pumpkin plant
  • 1 row of garden peas for the taste, the fun and the pretty flowers
  • 3 decent rows of carrots
  • 5 rows of 6-7 leek each
  • a medium sized patch of lettuce
  • a small patch of parsley
In addition to that my Gran's put down three rows of potatoes next to my veggies.

We've got a few bushes of various berries aswell; black, red and white currants and a rather big and tangled raspberry patch that we've finally managed to get under something similar to control. All the bushes have been blooming and the raspberry bushes(?) are shooting nicely.

Even the old rotted appletree is blooming. I doubt that the apples on that tree will be suitable for anything, but apple pie, but hey, apple pie rocks!

So after all these observations I'm guessing that the garden will be bountyful come fall.


Birr said...

Yay! That will hopefully make a few decent meals! May your veggies grow big, strong and tasty.

Voodoo said...

Thank you, hun! Hopefully they will and you'll get a taste of them sometime during the summer. :)